Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pitfalls in Seeking God's Will

Pitfalls that interfere with hearing His direction accurately
- Beware of desires of the flesh (longings become unhealthy when they consume
   your thoughts)
- Faulty Advice
- Be careful when feeling impatient, doubtful, or pressured in any way (Be patient;
   what God has is worth the wait)
- Ask God to cleanse your heart and for guidance
- Listen to God and Follow His lead

Why do we fall?
- Path of self-indulgence
- Too proud to admit weakness
- Living in denial
- Lack of discipline

Given the slightest chance, sin will infiltrate your life and affect
every aspect.  Including your faith, job, and relationship with family
and friends.  Do you need an example to learn how to overcome
temptation?  Read about Joseph in Genesis 39.  In times of weakness,
depend on God, obey Him, and seek strength to overcome. 

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