Sunday, March 11, 2012

God can use YOU too!

"You probably can think of someone whom you admire and respect.  Perhaps you admire her ambition to learn new skills.  Maybe it's her perseverance to overcome difficulties and hardships.  Why can't that person be you?  It CAN!  The key is connecting with God.  God loves you, even if you don't believe it.  Each of one of us is confronted and tempted by an endless stream of temptations; many of which aren't all that important.  When you learn to refuse to satisfy all of them, and choose to satisfy those that are in line with your priorities, you sharpen your willpower and strengthen your self-discipline." -Unknown.  First, you must accept Jesus into your life.  By accepting Jesus, God now has the opportunity to reveal His plan for you.  You now have access to Him.  Fully submit to God; Allow Him to work on you, in you, and through you.  Then  you will have the willpower and self-discipline to fulfill your divine purpose.

Confession: God is ordaining my steps, placing me in the right place at the right time, so that blessings will come over me and they will over take me.

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