Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dispel Fear

Fear is not a way forward.  Move away from fear by:
- Prayer (Phillipians 4:6-7)
- Seek Counsel: Talk to a 3rd party that is trust worthy
- Action Plan: Actions leads to confidence

Because of fear we:
- procrasitnate: "I don't want to face it right now"
- retreat: "I cannot take it"
- doubt ourselves: "I cannot do it"
- doubt others: "I am in this all alone"
- doubt God: "He's abandoned me"

We tend to move towards the direction of our focus.  If we focus on fear, we will move towards where fear leads us.  If we focus on our faith in God, we will move towards where our faith leads us.

Problem: "I have more debt than I can pay" (fear)
Solution: Stop using credit
              Make minimum payments
              Negotiate lower balances or have a qualified person/ organization do it for you
              Take a 2nd job and build savings
              Down Size

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