Friday, March 9, 2012

Disturbing Breaking News

We hear it all the time:  "These are the last days".  Growing up in church, I had the pleasure of hearing sermons, seemingly dedicated to scaring us into accepting Christ.  Ya'll remember "Left Behind" movies.  I must say, at this point, I am a BELIEVER.  Seriously!! Every day I hear about senseless crimes and lack of value for human life.  I have heard haunting stories that are just too horrible to believe.  Makes me count my blessings.  I Thank God for dispatching, more than ONE, angel to protect me.  Please pray for the human beings experiencing terror, injustice, loss, and persecution.  I heard something today that urged me to post a blog bringing awareness to crimes against humanity.  It's so easy to live in a place where civil unrest is not in your front yard.  Americans have trouble. I dare not trivialize our problems.  However, it just blows my mind the horror people in other countries face on a daily basis.  How can someone sell young girls into sex slavery or chop up a young child. "There can be no better measure of  governance than the way we treat our women and children, and no greater failing on our part than to allow them to be subjected to violence, abuse or exploitation (Lange)".  Please add any other stories you want in the comments section.

Clinic Shooting (Pennsylvania):

Sterilization Victims (North Carolina):

Ohio School Shooitng:

11 y.o. Gang raped by 18 men (Texas):
11 y.o. Gang Raped by 7 Teens (MORENO VALLEY):

Jospeh Kony (Uganda Dictator):

Go to to learn about World News or
Darfur (Western Sudan) :

Crimes Against Humanity:

Rescue Project:

You can also visit to check out the geography and location of these countries.

1 comment:

  1. Comment in response to 11 y.o. victims being raped:

    But the question still lingers, why is this happening? Why is the thug/gang life tolerated? What's with the stop snitching t-shirts? Why don't you want the criminals out of your neighborhood?
    Is Bill Cosby still giving speeches? Why not?

    Eric Holder called us a nation of cowards. I feel only a coward wouldn't address these and other hard questions.
