Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Bye 2012!!

Video Diary #3

Wonderland Wednesday Prayer

Hello POW,

This month, we launched the our 6am Prayer line.  Every Wednesday at 6am, we call the prayer line and pray together for 1 hour.

How it works:

A few people are designated to pray on the line.  These people pray one at a time (10-15 minutes each).  Then, we take prayer requests and pray those request.  If there is time left, we discuss the word of God, share scriptures and testimonies, and share personal revelations.

The main goal of our prayer ministry is to pray for The Collective POW, one another, the Body of Christ, and for the world.  Most importantly our goal is to encourage every participant to pray and to make prayer a lifestyle.  

I hope everyone calls in on Wednesdays! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

November Collective Recap: Catching Up

I hope everyone had a wonderful   "Thanksgiving Day".  I did :)
Thanks to the ladies that attended the November Collective.  Xoxoxo! 
Those of you that could not make it, this collective was a time for us to catch up.  It's been a couple of months since our last collective, so we just had girl talk.
We all need to stay connected.  So, check your emails for the next Collective and upcoming events.

In the heart of the season of giving thanks, I thought i'd share a devotional

It is good to praise the Lord
and make music to your name, O Most High,
proclaiming your love in the morning
and your faithfulness at night,
to the music of the ten-stringed lyre
    and the melody of the harp.
For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord;
I sing for joy at what your hands have done.
How great are your works, Lord,
    how profound your thoughts!
 PSALM 92:1-5


Have you ever wondered why the Bible repeatedly tells us to give thanks to the Lord? The main reason is because He deserves it. Everything you are and have comes from Him. He created you and is the One who keeps your heart beating. To claim your life as your own and to do as you please is the ultimate ingratitude. God created you to love Him and sacrificed enormously to deliver you from your sin and make you His child. Expressing thanksgiving to the Lord is a way of honoring Him by acknowledging all that He has done.
Most of us would probably have to admit that our prayers tend to be rather self-centered. We come with our list of requests, but how much time do we spend thanking God for what He has already accomplished? The psalmist advises us to begin each day by focusing on His lovingkindness as we look forward, trusting Him with all our concerns. Then in the evening, we should thank Him for His faithfulness and take note of all the ways He provided for our needs and guided our way.
Even if the day has brought pain or difficulty, we can still thank God for His presence as He carried us through, and for His promise to work everything out to our benefit (Rom. 8:28).
This week, take time to remember what the Lord has done for you, and express your thanks to Him. Be creative and think of all the ways you can show gratitude--then sing, praise, and joyfully worship Him. By keeping your focus on God, you can have an attitude of gratitude all day long.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Get Out and Vote People!!

Click on the links below to get more information about the initiatives and propositions on the California Ballot.

California Voter Guide Link and California Ballot link:

"The Top 20 (cause 10 ain't enough)

Reasons (excuses) Black Folk Will Give If Obama Loses"


  1. "They said Obama was winning!"
  2. "I didn't get to the polls, but I did say a prayer for the brotha!"
  3. "You know they wasn't gonna let no Black man have no two terms!"
  4. "See, what had happened was. . . "
  5. "I couldn't get my outfit together!
  6. "Racisim." 
  7. "I must have caught that 'Romnesia' is it 2012 already?"
  8. "They knew in the second term he was finally gonna hook US up!"
  9. "That damn Stacey Dash!"
  10. "They suppressed my vote!"
  11. "I'm part of the black bourgeoisie 1%, I had to vote for RoMONEY!"
  12. "That line was too long!"
  13. "I ran by the house right after work cause I had forgot my sample ballot; got me something to eat, sat down for a quick minute, and . . ."
  14. "Girl, it was raining!"
  15. "They stole it!" (Not impossible)
  16. "It's a C-O-N-spiracy!"
  17. "The media. Ok. . .Fox News Channel."
  18. "The Illuminati took him out . . . he wasn't going along with the program."
  19. "I had to work that day."
  20. "I thought that was NEXT Tuesday! Dang, my bad."
  21. All jokes aside, too many close elections are decided by the margin of eligible voter absence at the polls. Turnout matters.
    What's YOUR excuse going to be?

Oprah's Life Class with Iyanla Vanzant: 5 Reasons Women Betray Each Other


If you haven't seen Oprah's Life Classes with Iyanla Vanzant, you might want to check it out.  I like these Life Classes because Iyanla encourages people to do their own personal, spiritual work.  When you are doing the work for your own life, you don't have time to meddle in other people's lives.

The 4 Main Ways Women Hurt Each Other:
1) Women betray each other's trust and confidence
2) Women gossip
3) Women lie to each other
4) Women compete with each other

Why Women Betray Each Other:
1) Self-hatred
2) We don’t honor our relationships
3) We seek external validation
4) We don’t honor ourselves
5) We mimic what we’ve seen
6) We hold unrealistic demands

5 Rea sons Women Lie:
1) Fear of losing love and respect
2) Fear of hurting, upsetting or disappointing
3) To cover up issues of self-worth
4) When we feel threatened

5) To be polite


Why Women Gossip:
1) To get power
2) It’s an acceptable practice among women
3) We don’t recognize the power of the spoken word
4) It diverts attention from our own "stuff"

Iyanla's Homework Assignments:

101 - Start logging how many times a day you find yourself talking about somebody else
201 - Ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?"
301 - Forgive myself for all the times I’ve done this
Ph.D. - Make the commitment to yourself that you’ll never do it again

Check out this clip:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

River of Life

Felt compelled to share this revelation:

Deep inside each of us, there is a river—a river of life. This river is a wonderful gift given to each of us by God. It refreshes, renews and revitalizes our lives. I'm sure all of us have known people who've been able to keep a positive outlook on life even though terrible things happened to them.Their river ran strong and didn’t stop flowing.  On the other hand, there are those who always seem to be down, whether physically or emotionally. No matter what they do, they can't seem to “snap out of  it.” Their river has been stopped-up, and only a little trickle seems to pass through.  God places this river in every one of us. It flows with good health, a positive outlook on life, and a generous and forgiving attitude. Ideally, this river flows freely through us. When we allow this flow and keep our well from getting plugged-up, there's a peace or an ease—a current that takes us along—and everything seems easier. Good things come our way. When wonderful opportunities are presented to us, we're ready for them.  Many  people, however, have allowed  their  wel l  t o become stopped-up. Years of  neglect have caused the river, which used to flow powerfully, to become choked down to just a small stream. Everything's hard—nothing comes easy.   People with a stopped-up well have to strive for things that come easily to others. Do you know people likethis?   Does this sound like your life?  I once had a stopped-up well in my life. I struggled to tap into the river that I knewwas in me. I was constantly digging dry wells—working on projects and chasing ideas that were disappointing and unfulfilling. I believed that if I could just make something work, I would be happy; I would find peace and fulfillment. I would strive after these things every day, but never found the peace I was looking for. I found that over the years I had allowed my well to become stopped-up with “stones”and “debris.” The river no longer flowed  freely, and I was miserable.Although I didn't realize it at the time, I really struggled with issues like unforgiveness, anger, selfishness, offense and disobedience. These  issues became like stones, dirt and debris that had caused  my well to become stopped-up. With God's help, these issues are being dealt with one by one in my life. It's been a long process, but the stones are much smaller today than they used to be. The river in me flows much stronger now.  Are you tired of your life being dry, confused and without direction? Are you weary of having to strive for everything in life? Just remember, until you're able to get your well cleared out and unplugged, everything will be difficult, disappointing and unfulfilling. No matter what you try, you'll be unable to taste the water from that river.   And water satisfies like nothing else.  Remember, God put a river of  life inside each of us. We just need to tap into that stream by clearing up what blocks its flow. God can help you forgive, see the needs of those around you, and let go of past hurts or wrongs. He wants to help you deal with the “stones” and “debris” that are stopping up your well.  Make a choice today to stop spending your life fighting, struggling and trudging through the mud with every step. Stop taking inventory of what you've lost, and takea good look at what you've got left. Ask God to help you clear out the debris. Then enjoy the satisfying flow of the river of life! - Joyce Meyers

Thursday, September 6, 2012

July Collective: God is Compelling us to be Leaders!

This post is LONG overdue.  I was a little sidetracked, but for those of you who missed the July Collective, this is for you.  Hugs to those that attended :).    We had an open forum and those that attended shared their life experiences and what God has been doing in their life.  As  we wrapped up, we noticed that God was steering us toward finishing the projects and ideas that we started.  It's interesting, because last night, at church, the speaker addressed this very thing.  I really believe that God is compelling us to be leaders.  He wants us to step up, get rid of fear (see post on fear), get rid of excuse, and do what He has instructed us to do.  Be encouraged and rejoice, because God will finish what he started in you (see find success in failure vid).

Here are a steps that can help give you clarity on your goals (courtesy of Shawntae Ransom):

Step 1: Identify your goal

Step 2: Establish a  realistiuc time frame to accomplish your goal

Step 3: Establish why your goal is important and why accomplishing your goal is important

Step 4: Talk to someone - you trust - about your goal (so you have accountability)

Step 5: Create a plan of action.  How are going to accomplish your goal?  What are you going to do to
            accomplish your goal.

Tips:  Realize that there are sacrifices that will have to be made, but there are also great rewards!!!

Trying Something New: Video Diary 1

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Devotional: Learn to say, "It's None of My Business!" by Joyce Meyer

Thousands of things we encounter every day are neither right nor wrong 
but are simply personal choices, choices that people have a right to 
make on their own without outside interference.

The devil stays very busy assigning demons to place judgmental, critical 
thoughts in people's minds. I can remember when it was entertaining for 
me to sit in the park or the shopping mall and simply watch all the people 
go by as I formed a mental opinion of each of them, their clothing, 
hairstyles, companions and so on.

But the Bible says that it's wrong to judge people this way. We cannot 
always prevent ourselves from having opinions, and there's nothing wrong 
with that, but the moment we think there's something wrong with other 
people because they don't share our personal preferences, we have a problem 
with judging others. In these situations, I tell myself, "Joyce, it's none 
of your business."

Don't let harmful judgments grow in you. Instead, realize that God made 
everyone different and it's ok for people to think differently. And when 
necessary, tell yourself, "This is none of my business." (Matthew 7:1)

Prayer Starter: God, I don't want to judge or criticize others. When I 
encounter people who have different opinions and personal preferences than 
me, please help me to see them through Your eyes and remember that my 
opinions aren't more important than theirs. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

June Collective: Protecting Your Assets: Body

Thanks (hand claps and big hug:-)) to Mrs. Sheila Woods, who facilitated the collective  on June 10th.  We continued with  "Protecting your Assets" series, where we focused on the Body (physical aspect): Health Education and Management. Mrs. Woods revealed that unhealthy lifestyles are expensive. Expenses include poor health that lead to doctors visits, time off work, transplants. etc.  Unhealthy lifestyle, choices, and eating habits have long-term ramifications and if they persist can lead to death.  Ladies, get informed and start taking care of your temple/body. 

Please watch this video.  It is Part 1 of the four part HBO Series: The Weight of the Nation.


The following link is a supporting article, "A Heavy Burden: The Individual Costs of Being Overweight and Obese in the United States":

Amazing Journey

I had been struggling to decide what to blog about next, when I received an email from a friend that included an interview with Viola Davis (Tony Award winner and Oscar Nominee).  Best known for her performance in Doubt and The Help.  The actress sat down with Holly Wagner, co-Pastor of Oasis Church in Los Angeles and founder of GodChicks, and candidly shared her story and how God, divinely, infused people into her life at the right time to influence her and encouraged her to DREAM.  This interview resonated with me in so many ways.  I had a renewed since of hope to trust God in the face of unrelenting pressure.  Please check out this interview:

Enjoy and be inspired!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Meditate on this....

God has given you wisdom to overcome difficulties, including how to deal with your enemy, the devil. Discover one of the wisest things that you can do to resist his schemes.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lolo Jones Says Staying a Virgin is Harder than Training for the Olympics

Check out the article at this link:

May Collective: Protecting Your Assets: Financial Literacy

Big Hugs and Thanks to Mrs. Erica Hopkins for facilitating the May Collective.  The May Collective focused on Financial Literacy.  I received great insight on how to protect my financial assets, create "streams of income", rebuild your credit, and prioritize or budget your income.  It was just AWESOME. 

The wealth of information provided was so informative and exciting that we were unable to get to any of the other activities.  So, I decided to post them on the blog.

Journal Activities
  • I hope you are still using your "Grateful Journals".  Remember, we are to identify at least 10 things we are grateful for (on a weekly basis). 
  • The Journal Prompt for this month is: Discuss how life can come out of death? What does death teach us about life?  What is the most important aspect of your life? 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Moving Forward

"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek......" (Psalm 27:4).At the March Collective, each of us wrote down  "One Thing"  that was hindering us from moving forward in 2012.  The purpose for identifying this "One Thing"  was to focus on overcoming adversity.  Once we conquer our Giants, we need to be able to maintian victory.  Winning any battle produces confidence and motivation to keep fighting.  In order to move forward, we have to take action (fight), win (defeat, conquer, overcome), and not give up (maintain the victory).  By identifying some of the things that have us stuck, entangled, in bondage, in debt, or at a dead end, we can consult God for a strategy to overcome.

The day of the March Collective, I read each of the responses from those that attended.  What I found is that some of us have similar struggles.  So, I decided to dedicate a post to our challenge (to overcome what is hindering us from moving forward this year).

Below, I have included the things that we identified as roadblocks, setbacks, etc.

1. Distractions:  "I need to focus more on God."
2. Hope: "I feel like everyone is passing me by...."
3. Fear:  "I don't know if I am in God's will."/ "I fear the unknown."
4. Letting go of the past: "I just ended a relationship and I want to learn to love again
   (move on)."
5. Lack:  "I lack the resources to move ahead."
6. Interacting/ Connecting with others: "I want to learn to express love, appreciation,
    gratitude for others."
After reading all the responses, I found scriptures and suggestions that specifically target
each of your concerns.  These scriptures will encourage to overcome the one thing that is
trying to hinder God's plan for our lives.

Using the Word of God (scriptures) to overcome adversity

1. How much time do you actually spend with God?  Start spending more time with God,
    consistently, and you will begin to see changes.

  "Seek God, not evil, that you may live.  Then the Lord God almighty will be with you, just as you say He is." (Amos 5:14)
•    "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.  Then you will be prosperous and successful.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:8-9)

•    "As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts.  If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him. He will cast you off forever." (1 Chronicles 28:9)

2. Trust in God's character and not just in your abilities alone.  Embrace God's will for your life.  If you are aligned with God, trust that He has you right where He wants you.

"Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord." (Psalm 31:24)

•    "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." (Romans 5:1-5)

•    "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

3. Fear is not a way forward.  Move away from fear by: Prayer (Phillipians 4:6-7), Seeking  Counsel (Talk to a third party that is trustworthy), create an Action Plan (action leads to confidence).

•    "Those who obey His commands live in Him, and He in them.  And this is how we know that He lives in us: We know its by the Spirit He gave us." (1 John 3:24)

•    "Why are you downcast, O my soul?  Why so disturbed within me? Put your Hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 42:11)
•    "The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (Deuteronomy 31:8)

4. Heal and Let Go of past hurts and failures.  Accept God's love that covers you  (UNCONDITIONALLY).

•    "Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." (Phillipians 4:4-8)

•    "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." (Ephesians 4:31-32)

•    "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:18-19)

5. Even in the midst of the “financial crisis” that we are in the middle of, we can remain hopeful and encouraged if we keep trusting in God.  The more we soak up the truth of God’s Word, the more assured we become that He really is going to take care of us!  The important thing to remember in the midst of the chaos is that God is in control. He is not surprised by the events and He is not unsure how He is going to take care of his children. We are just as safe putting our trust in Him when things are going great as when it looks like everything is falling around us.
•    "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."   (Philippians 4:19)

•    "Cast your burden on the Lord [releasing the weight of it] and He will sustain you; He will never allow the [consistently] righteous to be moved (made to slip, fall, or fail)." (Psalm 55:22)

•    "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)

6. Open up to others and do not worry about reciprocation, just continue to treat others in a way that reflects the actions of Christ.

•    "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him.  There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Young Women are Stepping UP!!!

It's about to go down.  God is really doing a new thing.  I know He is moving on the hearts of young women, because there is a new movement called "31 Status".  I think it's kind of DOPE!  Check out the link below:!

Let me know what you think!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Great Articles from Charisma Magazine

As you may know, I read Charisma magazine.  While browsing through, I came across some inspiring and enlightening articles from the February issue that I wanted to share.  I decided to post a couple for you to read.  ENJOY!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Man in Her Head: A Barrier or Motivation to Be Better (Part 1 of 2)

A "He Said/She Said" Analysis on Dating, Love and Relationships

No relationship is just comprised of two people. If you’re in a relationship, I bet you thought it was just you and the other person you’re dating. It turns out that there are fifty-leven people inside the relationship. Here’s a discussion about some of those people, from two people who have been there.

Warning: This ain’t politically correct; this might offend our personal connects.

The Man in Her Head

Rahiel: Are you a woman who has The MITH (Man In The Head) Syndrome? Diagnosis is made when you realize (or are repeatedly told) that you’re madly in love with and dating a man you’ve never actually met (no, not Idris Elba), but the Weird Science figment of your imagination you crafted out of snippets of your favorite movies, songs, books, sermons, and romantic stories. You know who I’m talking about – the Ossie to your Ruby, the Clyde to your Bonnie, and the Barack to your Michelle. The man who has 24.5 items out of the 25 on your front and back list.

The MITH is a manufactured ideal that feeds into unrealistic fantasies of what love and marriage are all about. Where did The MITH come from? This varies based on a multitude of factors – family, class, culture, environment, education, religion, values, etc. Some might argue that he’s a manifestation of the father figure that was or wasn’t in the picture during childhood. Others would say that he’s an aggregate of every man ever encountered in life. Why is it difficult to be cured of The MITH? Because denial has become viral and old habits die hard.

At the age of 30, I know now that The MITH is not our fault. I instead blame Jem (I was never big on Barbie) for convincing us that we can be the star of our own shows as our supportive partners stand in the sidelines catering to our every need. I fault Dirty Dancing for leading us to believe that Nobody-Puts-Baby-In-The-Corner men with checkered pasts best know how to sweep good girls off of their feet. Beyond pop culture (R&B, Hip-Hop, and The Notebook particularly), I also point the finger at Black churches and our sista-girls.

Those influences combined lead so many of us to believe that one man can and should embody all of the following traits all of the time: protective/ sensitive, spontaneous/ calculated, charismatic/ humble, passionate/ laid back, sensual/ reserved, spiritual/ grounded , serious/ silly, feminist/ a man’s man, and faithful/ desired-by-all-other-women-on-earth. We end up believing that the knight in shining armor we read about in Disney books (or saw in Tyler Perry films) may make a special guest appearance in not only our classrooms, corporate offices, and churches, but perhaps even in the clubs and hoods of America. While millions of women remain unaffected by The MITH, I’m convinced that this plague has become pandemic, crossing all racial, cultural and class boundaries.

The Man He Ain’t

Panama: For all of the great things that men bring to the table – the table, for instance – one of our biggest faults in relationships is our resistance to change unless it’s on our own terms. Of course, it would be easier if our woman didn’t constantly view us through the paradigm of the man in her head and expect him to show up instead of the man she’s dating, but that’s just the price of doing business. But change is a part of life. It’s a part of growing. So we tend to stand in our own way by constantly reminding, and simultaneously pissing off our women by telling them who we ain’t. Which is the lose-lose for everybody.

“Baby, you knew when we met I didn’t pick up my socks. Why are you complaining now? I’m not a clean dude.” Or “I’m not the call you all day guy.” Or “I’m not the guy who is going to be that sympathetic ear. I’m a fixer, not a listener! Period.” That last one is a big problem. But it seems like men, as a species, like to change and evolve on our own time and of our own doing. I mean, we want our woman to be the same woman we fell in love with, why can’t I be the same too? Why do we have to do all this changing? I ain’t that dude anyway. I’m me. And I’m gonna stay me. Stupidity, thy name is single man.

The funny thing is that there’s a long held secret amongst most men. We actually want to be the man our women want us to be. For one, it would make our lives easier (or so we think…and actually so SHE thinks), and two, we realize we could be better men. But it’s hard being yourself, by yourself for so long successfully and then having to completely uproot who you are to make somebody else happy, especially when that person seems to go so far to point out your flaws as opposed to what you do right. It’s all in the delivery. We’d be more inclined to make some of those changes if it didn’t feel like our every move was an affront to your sanity, peace on Earth, and goodwill towards men. Real talk. The Civil War claimed a lot of lives, why bring it home and let it claim our relationship? The answer can’t ALWAYS be, “well if you’d just do xyz…” can it?

The Woman She Thinks She Is

Rahiel: Worse than believing that The MITH exists is believing that we deserve him. This is where we must be brutally honest with ourselves. If there really was a man alive who embodied the creativity of Langston Hughes, the charisma of Malcolm X, the brilliance of DuBois, the enterprise of Reginald Lewis, the athleticism of Jordan, the passion of Tupac, the looks of Denzel, and the moral perfection and self-sacrifice of Jesus, then what in the world would that man want with you and I? Even on our best days – we’re no match for The MITH.

But there’s a woman who is, and that’s “the ideal woman” that so many of us convince ourselves that we are. Truth be told, we can possess a lot of non-negotiables, but still wrestle with basics such as an understanding and love of self, trust and communication. While we would all like to think that we’re the “sure you can spend this weekend kicking it with your boys without worrying about me” type, the reality is that a lot of us seek constant validation from our lovers. And as Panama Jackson (perhaps inspired by his church going days) says, “It’s not a man’s job to make you whole.” Or in other words - what a man says and does should never define who you are in the relationship.

Who She Is For Real For Real

Panama: It’s funny. If a woman tells a man who he really is (i.e. lazy, inconsiderate, selfish, etc.), he’s just supposed to take it, acknowledge it (because she can’t be wrong), fix it, and make her happy. But if a man tells a woman about herself, it’s akin to kicking her down a flight of stairs. “How could he? That’s not me!” Plus she hasn’t consulted her homegirls who will likely tell her that she’s not a nag or a complainer or overly negative or passive aggressive or rude or a malcontent and hard to be around. Of course, she’ll never get the truth because the people that don’t like her for those reasons have removed themselves from her life anyway.

So she’s surrounded by a bunch of people who are just like her and who also don’t see it as a problem. Everybody else is the problem. Most people are intimately familiar with who they think they are, but when faced with the truth, it’s hard to acknowledge. You ever notice in most movies that it’s the men who have the come to Jesus “I’m gonna do right” moments? Women are always fine just the way that they are. Yeah. Bull malarkey. Most women aren’t the image they portray themselves to be. Most women are the exact opposite of who they proclaim to be. Put simply: if she tells you she’d never do it, she’s going to do it as soon as she gets home. So long as nobody’s looking. Women are the living manifestation of plausible deniability.

Do you agree or disagree? Have these people been in your relationships?

For part 2 visit:

April Collective Recap: Protecting Your Assets

Yo yo yo!  Big HUGS to all the ladies that attended the April Collective. This collective was focused on how to Protect Your Assets: Spiritually and Emotionally.  I want to thank Mrs. Donna Gardner and Mrs. Doni Daniels for taking time out of their schedules to come impart some knowledge and share with us some valuable information. 

Here are a few key points I took home:

-What is an asset?
  Anything of value; useful and desirable thing or quality
-What does it mean to protect?
  To defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, or insult
-What are emotions?
  A psychological state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is    
  sometimes accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling.
  • Emotional Assets: Joy, Passion, Happiness, Love, Peaceful,
(Examples of negative emotions: bitter, resentful, fearful, hateful, discontent, doubt, anxiety or
distress, anger)
  • How to protect your emotional assets:  Set boundaries: do not allow others to steal your assets (joy, peace) or abuse you.  Make a choice to not let any person, thing, or circumstance dictate your state   of being (feelings, decisions, or lifestyle)
  • Change requires new thinking. As we’ve discussed, in order to change, we must learn the truth and start making good choices, but we also must change the way we think.  The battle for sin starts in your mind, not in your behavior. The way you think determines the way you feel, and the way you feel determines the way you act. If you want to change the way you act, you start by changing the way you think. In addition, if you want to change the way you feel, you must start with the way you think.  The Bible says, “There must be a spiritual renewal of your thoughts and attitudes” (Ephesians 4:23). "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things".  (Philippians 4:8)

  • As believers in Christ, we must guard our hearts, because out it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). 
  •  Protect your thought process, so that you can make the right decision.  Therefore, every thought that is not wholesome, or is proud, or not in line with God’s word and purposes,  or negative thinking, we need to read and speak God’s word.  As we focus more on God, we will find these wrong thoughts will soon decrease, because we’re re-aligning our thinking. We have to actively stop ourselves dwelling on it and to fill our minds with Godly things. These are the weapons of our warfare and by doing these things, we will pull down the strongholds in our thought lives. (Read 2 Corinthians 10:4-5) 
  •   God created women because it was not good for men to be alone.  Genesis 2:18: "Then the LORD 
  • God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him." (NASV).  God created us to be a man"s helper and supporter. 
  • Single ladies: Even though God created us to be a help-mate, that should not be our focus. 
  • "We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
    persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).  How is it that, as Christians, we are expected to withstand incredible pressures and not be defeated?  How can we possibly stand up against everything the world has to throw at us and still expect to emerge victorious? The answer lies not in ourselves, but in a divine and unbeatable defense: the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20).

I hope these key points enlighten you!

For those that did not attend the collective, I included the question for your journal:

The Journal Entry questions:
Would you be a different person today if you had a different childhood?
What type of person would you be if you had parents like your peers? 

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, 3  and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.  They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”

ISAIAH 61:1-3 (NIV)


No one's childhood is perfect. What we experienced during those years has a profound impact, even into adulthood. Things we saw, heard, felt, and even things we did not feel can affect us later in life.

As one might expect, external influences do help to shape our personality. However, the result is not always predictable. For example, early years full of painful experiences leave deeps wounds in some, but in others, they contribute to the development of depth and perseverance.

Whether your younger years were joyful or painful, it can be valuable to consider what their impact was, back then as well as in the present. You might start by exploring your responses to key childhood events. Next, identify traits that you appreciated in your parents and others--qualities you'd like to nurture in your own life. Finally, think about people with characteristics that impacted you negatively. Ask God for healing and freedom from the patterns you may have developed in response. Then shift your focus to godly attributes you want to exhibit instead, such as peace, grace, and gentleness.

The heavenly Father wants to free you from any negative trends that took root early in life. He can break any unhealthy pattern and replace it with hope and deep satisfaction in Him.

As you explore the effects of childhood experiences, pray to see through a lens of truth. When you recognize ways that others negatively influenced you, pray for strength to forgive and God's help in mending areas of brokenness--whether spiritual, emotional, relational, or mental.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to Love Again

Today, I was browsing and I came across an article about love after loss.  The author of the article gives a few great tips that can help you after a break-up, divorce, or when you have been hurt.  Here are a few of the tips from the article. I hope it helps :)

- Free Yourself
You can’t love again until you heal the pain that your lost love inflicted. Grieve, and as you do, you will become more emotionally healthy.

- Consider a Therapist
Therapy saves and changes lives, period. If you are having a particularly hard time with the grieving process, a good therapist can guide you through.

- Recognize That You Thrive from Love
Loving others is critical to our human existence. It is important to understand that without love, life will never feel full.

- Accept Who You Are
Accepting all parts of you gives you ownership of your journey and the power to decide what stays, what goes, and what can evolve.

- Love Yourself
The more you love yourself, the more likely you are to attract a person who is emotionally healthy.
(Self-nurturing is the basic foundation of building the Self. Be kind to yourself, daily)!

- Know the Type of Love You Want
Think about your next relationship. Set a standard for what you are seeking and what you will not accept.

- Open Yourself Up to the Possibilities
Remain open to new possibilities and you will become a magnet for greater opportunities.

- Ease into New Relationships Slowly
It is impossible to replace your lost love. Instead, allow new love to grow and blossom in its own way
(on its own time).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ready or Not

In remembrance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross and God's love for mankind, I decided to post this video celebrating Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Develop your Potential and Do Something Now

I wanted to share the devotional I read today from Joyce Meyers:

You may know that God's created you with great potential, but you can't stop
there. You have to develop your potential.  I believe that many people are
unhappy because they aren't doing anything to develop their potential. If you
want to see your potential developed to its fullest, don't wait until everything
is perfect. Do something now. Start laying your hand to whatever is in front of
you. You must give your potential some form by doing something with it. You
will never find what you are capable of doing if you never try anything. 
Don't be so afraid of failing that you never take a chance. Don't stay in the safety
zone. You may feel safe, but you will never succeed at developing your full
potential or being fulfilled in what you are doing. Step out into what you feel 
God is leading you to do, and you will soon discover what you can and cannot
do. You are full of God-given potential, and He wants to do more through your
life than you could ever imagine, but it requires your cooperation. Step out and
serve Him wholeheartedly today. (Colossians 3:23) Prayer Starter: Lord, in
everything I do, I want to serve You wholeheartedly. Thank You for encouraging
me to step out and take action, developing the great potential You have given me.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Upcoming Events

Friday, March 23rd, 2012, 7pm-9pm
Cal Skate Grand Terrace
Skate for $8.50

Saturday, March 31, 2012, 11am-2pm
De-stress, Detox, Delight (3D): Mind, Body and Soul

You are cordially invited to attend the 3D, Mind, Body and Soul experience.  
Come for "Fun," "Food" and "Fellowship."  Skin care, relaxation techniques, 
neck/back messages, praise dance line, and much more.  
Everything is "FREE" but you must RSVP by Wed. March 28th.