Monday, November 26, 2012

November Collective Recap: Catching Up

I hope everyone had a wonderful   "Thanksgiving Day".  I did :)
Thanks to the ladies that attended the November Collective.  Xoxoxo! 
Those of you that could not make it, this collective was a time for us to catch up.  It's been a couple of months since our last collective, so we just had girl talk.
We all need to stay connected.  So, check your emails for the next Collective and upcoming events.

In the heart of the season of giving thanks, I thought i'd share a devotional

It is good to praise the Lord
and make music to your name, O Most High,
proclaiming your love in the morning
and your faithfulness at night,
to the music of the ten-stringed lyre
    and the melody of the harp.
For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord;
I sing for joy at what your hands have done.
How great are your works, Lord,
    how profound your thoughts!
 PSALM 92:1-5


Have you ever wondered why the Bible repeatedly tells us to give thanks to the Lord? The main reason is because He deserves it. Everything you are and have comes from Him. He created you and is the One who keeps your heart beating. To claim your life as your own and to do as you please is the ultimate ingratitude. God created you to love Him and sacrificed enormously to deliver you from your sin and make you His child. Expressing thanksgiving to the Lord is a way of honoring Him by acknowledging all that He has done.
Most of us would probably have to admit that our prayers tend to be rather self-centered. We come with our list of requests, but how much time do we spend thanking God for what He has already accomplished? The psalmist advises us to begin each day by focusing on His lovingkindness as we look forward, trusting Him with all our concerns. Then in the evening, we should thank Him for His faithfulness and take note of all the ways He provided for our needs and guided our way.
Even if the day has brought pain or difficulty, we can still thank God for His presence as He carried us through, and for His promise to work everything out to our benefit (Rom. 8:28).
This week, take time to remember what the Lord has done for you, and express your thanks to Him. Be creative and think of all the ways you can show gratitude--then sing, praise, and joyfully worship Him. By keeping your focus on God, you can have an attitude of gratitude all day long.

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