Thursday, June 28, 2012

June Collective: Protecting Your Assets: Body

Thanks (hand claps and big hug:-)) to Mrs. Sheila Woods, who facilitated the collective  on June 10th.  We continued with  "Protecting your Assets" series, where we focused on the Body (physical aspect): Health Education and Management. Mrs. Woods revealed that unhealthy lifestyles are expensive. Expenses include poor health that lead to doctors visits, time off work, transplants. etc.  Unhealthy lifestyle, choices, and eating habits have long-term ramifications and if they persist can lead to death.  Ladies, get informed and start taking care of your temple/body. 

Please watch this video.  It is Part 1 of the four part HBO Series: The Weight of the Nation.


The following link is a supporting article, "A Heavy Burden: The Individual Costs of Being Overweight and Obese in the United States":

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