Thursday, September 6, 2012

July Collective: God is Compelling us to be Leaders!

This post is LONG overdue.  I was a little sidetracked, but for those of you who missed the July Collective, this is for you.  Hugs to those that attended :).    We had an open forum and those that attended shared their life experiences and what God has been doing in their life.  As  we wrapped up, we noticed that God was steering us toward finishing the projects and ideas that we started.  It's interesting, because last night, at church, the speaker addressed this very thing.  I really believe that God is compelling us to be leaders.  He wants us to step up, get rid of fear (see post on fear), get rid of excuse, and do what He has instructed us to do.  Be encouraged and rejoice, because God will finish what he started in you (see find success in failure vid).

Here are a steps that can help give you clarity on your goals (courtesy of Shawntae Ransom):

Step 1: Identify your goal

Step 2: Establish a  realistiuc time frame to accomplish your goal

Step 3: Establish why your goal is important and why accomplishing your goal is important

Step 4: Talk to someone - you trust - about your goal (so you have accountability)

Step 5: Create a plan of action.  How are going to accomplish your goal?  What are you going to do to
            accomplish your goal.

Tips:  Realize that there are sacrifices that will have to be made, but there are also great rewards!!!

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