Today, I was browsing and I came across an article about love after loss. The author of the article gives a few great tips that can help you after a break-up, divorce, or when you have been hurt. Here are a few of the tips from the article. I hope it helps :)
- Free Yourself
You can’t love again until you heal the pain that your lost love inflicted. Grieve, and as you do, you will become more emotionally healthy.
- Consider a Therapist
Therapy saves and changes lives, period. If you are having a particularly hard time with the grieving process, a good therapist can guide you through.
- Recognize That You Thrive from Love
Loving others is critical to our human existence. It is important to understand that without love, life will never feel full.
- Accept Who You Are
Accepting all parts of you gives you ownership of your journey and the power to decide what stays, what goes, and what can evolve.
- Love Yourself
The more you love yourself, the more likely you are to attract a person who is emotionally healthy.
(Self-nurturing is the basic foundation of building the Self. Be kind to yourself, daily)!
- Know the Type of Love You Want
Think about your next relationship. Set a standard for what you are seeking and what you will not accept.
- Open Yourself Up to the Possibilities
Remain open to new possibilities and you will become a magnet for greater opportunities.
- Ease into New Relationships Slowly
It is impossible to replace your lost love. Instead, allow new love to grow and blossom in its own way
(on its own time).
I love this!!! Very uplifting and helpful!!! BTW, happy bday girly!!!