Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Let us PRAY!!

A Sister's Daily Prayer

Lord God in the name of Jesus I pray for Applied Knowledge. Give me the understanding about the skills, work of my hands, gifts, undertakings, enterprises, businesses and talents that you have blessed me with and show me how to use them practically, properly, in a useful manner and effectively to the Glory of God every day!
Lord, cause my mind to catch up with your will and desire for me.  Cause your desires for me to become my desires. Lord I bind mind racing and worry. I come against every thought and imagination that exalts itself above the knowledge and understanding of who God is. I pull it down right now in the name of Jesus and put it under the subjection and obedience of the word of God and the control of His Spirit  Lord, give me the mind of Christ.
Lord, cause my thoughts to move to the rhythm of your Holy word.  Lord give me a hunger and thirst for your word and let me meditate on it day and night that I may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then I shall make my way prosperous, and then I shall have good success.
Lord, when I speak let your character proceed from me and your joy rest inside of me.  Lord let your character be reflected in how I respond to my boss, co-workers, employees, siblings, parents, friends, neighbors, and strangers. Let your love be reflected in every word I utter and let my words bring glory to the Kingdom of God. Now give me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak a word in season to [him that is] weary: Lord thank you. Thank you for you waken morning by morning mine ear to hear as the learned.  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight.
As a result of conducting myself as a women of God and trusting you in all things I walk in peace and I am filled with your joy! Lord you said that the joy of the Lord is my strength. Lord, fill me with your joy that only comes from fully relying on your strength and truth for all things. Help me to maintain a garment of worship that will overpower any spirit of heaviness that comes to wipe out the joy that you have placed inside of me. In Jesus name!
Lord let my praise be worthy and my worship for real. Lord, show me how to live a life style of worship. Let my thoughts, actions and words exemplify your character and your image. Let not my praise be empty of faith and clear understanding of who you are. Give me a fearlessness that guides me through every challenge and circumstance. Empower me to understand that you have all my needs spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally covered. I have the spirit of faith, love, power and a sound mind. I resist the spirit of fear and I believe you for all things.  Let my worship at every service, encounter or celebration be a picture of the private time I spend with you and the way I conduct myself with others on a daily basis. In Jesus Name! 
Lord let me be an asset and not a liability. Lord, show me how to submit to the authorities at my job, marital relationships, and in ministry. Lord whatever I do let it be done with excellence and in a way where I am able to serve in such a way that I cause everything around me to flourish, grow and be productive.
Lord, let victory be my outcome and prosperity my portion. Lord finally in the name of Jesus whatever I am dealing with in this season whether it be a test, a trial, persecution, circumstances beyond my control, financial difficulty, physical or mental illness, and emotional heartache let victory be my outcome. Lord you said all things work together for the good, the best and the most excellent of them who love the Lord and are called according to your purpose and plan.  So let BEST be my outcome!  And let prosperity, good success, productivity, wealth, and  a boom in businesses, relationships, all undertakings and works of my hands be my OUTCOME!
In Jesus Name I Pray,

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