Wednesday, January 2, 2013

6am Prayer on January 2nd, 2013

I was so blessed by 6am prayer this morning.  Thank you to the ladies that prayed  and those who called the conference line.  I just wanted to share some things that God shared with me after prayer this morning. 

God is nourishing you spiritually (You shall be like tree, planted by the rivers of living water-Psalm 1:3), clothing you spiritually (Garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness - Isaiah 61:3), and giving you all the things you need to function properly.
Nourish: to provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth; to foster development of or promote.

"Rejoice in the hope of experiencing God's favor; access the favor of God through your faith"
-Joyce Meyer

Shared scriptures:
Romans 4:20-21
Romans 8:24-39

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