Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February: Matters of the Heart

Matters of the Heart

Where is your treasure?
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be (Matt 6:21).

If God is the treasure of our souls and hearts, then our affections and desires will be aligned with God’s word. If God is not the treasure of our souls and hearts, then our affections and desires will not be aligned with God’s word. 

Guard your heart, because out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).  Your heart determines the course of your life. Whatever is inside will eventually find it’s way out.

-       It’s important to monitor the things that we allow to shape our hearts.
-       Learn how to control your thoughts, words, and disposition (attitudes).  What you think comes out your mouth.  What you say affects your emotions.  How you feel affects your attitude.
-       The heart governs how you respond to others (either with compassion and understanding or with judgment).

Do you value your relationship with God?
Fall in love with Jesus.  Spend time in God’s presence.  Get to know God.  Develop your relationship with God.  Place a high value on your relationship with God.  If you value God, then you won’t want to displease Him or offend Him.

Loving yourself/ Self-love
Self-love is the strong sense of respect for and confidence in oneself

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