Sunday, October 28, 2012

Get Out and Vote People!!

Click on the links below to get more information about the initiatives and propositions on the California Ballot.

California Voter Guide Link and California Ballot link:

"The Top 20 (cause 10 ain't enough)

Reasons (excuses) Black Folk Will Give If Obama Loses"


  1. "They said Obama was winning!"
  2. "I didn't get to the polls, but I did say a prayer for the brotha!"
  3. "You know they wasn't gonna let no Black man have no two terms!"
  4. "See, what had happened was. . . "
  5. "I couldn't get my outfit together!
  6. "Racisim." 
  7. "I must have caught that 'Romnesia' is it 2012 already?"
  8. "They knew in the second term he was finally gonna hook US up!"
  9. "That damn Stacey Dash!"
  10. "They suppressed my vote!"
  11. "I'm part of the black bourgeoisie 1%, I had to vote for RoMONEY!"
  12. "That line was too long!"
  13. "I ran by the house right after work cause I had forgot my sample ballot; got me something to eat, sat down for a quick minute, and . . ."
  14. "Girl, it was raining!"
  15. "They stole it!" (Not impossible)
  16. "It's a C-O-N-spiracy!"
  17. "The media. Ok. . .Fox News Channel."
  18. "The Illuminati took him out . . . he wasn't going along with the program."
  19. "I had to work that day."
  20. "I thought that was NEXT Tuesday! Dang, my bad."
  21. All jokes aside, too many close elections are decided by the margin of eligible voter absence at the polls. Turnout matters.
    What's YOUR excuse going to be?

Oprah's Life Class with Iyanla Vanzant: 5 Reasons Women Betray Each Other


If you haven't seen Oprah's Life Classes with Iyanla Vanzant, you might want to check it out.  I like these Life Classes because Iyanla encourages people to do their own personal, spiritual work.  When you are doing the work for your own life, you don't have time to meddle in other people's lives.

The 4 Main Ways Women Hurt Each Other:
1) Women betray each other's trust and confidence
2) Women gossip
3) Women lie to each other
4) Women compete with each other

Why Women Betray Each Other:
1) Self-hatred
2) We don’t honor our relationships
3) We seek external validation
4) We don’t honor ourselves
5) We mimic what we’ve seen
6) We hold unrealistic demands

5 Rea sons Women Lie:
1) Fear of losing love and respect
2) Fear of hurting, upsetting or disappointing
3) To cover up issues of self-worth
4) When we feel threatened

5) To be polite


Why Women Gossip:
1) To get power
2) It’s an acceptable practice among women
3) We don’t recognize the power of the spoken word
4) It diverts attention from our own "stuff"

Iyanla's Homework Assignments:

101 - Start logging how many times a day you find yourself talking about somebody else
201 - Ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?"
301 - Forgive myself for all the times I’ve done this
Ph.D. - Make the commitment to yourself that you’ll never do it again

Check out this clip: