Thousands of things we encounter every day are neither right nor wrong
but are simply personal choices, choices that people have a right to
make on their own without outside interference.
The devil stays very busy assigning demons to place judgmental, critical
thoughts in people's minds. I can remember when it was entertaining for
me to sit in the park or the shopping mall and simply watch all the people
go by as I formed a mental opinion of each of them, their clothing,
hairstyles, companions and so on.
But the Bible says that it's wrong to judge people this way. We cannot
always prevent ourselves from having opinions, and there's nothing wrong
with that, but the moment we think there's something wrong with other
people because they don't share our personal preferences, we have a problem
with judging others. In these situations, I tell myself, "Joyce, it's none
of your business."
Don't let harmful judgments grow in you. Instead, realize that God made
everyone different and it's ok for people to think differently. And when
necessary, tell yourself, "This is none of my business." (Matthew 7:1)
Prayer Starter: God, I don't want to judge or criticize others. When I
encounter people who have different opinions and personal preferences than
me, please help me to see them through Your eyes and remember that my
opinions aren't more important than theirs.